I agree there is little real "spiritual heritage" being raised as a witness-
my witness family does have a big turkey dinner around thanksgiving time but they don't call it "thanksgiving"- they just say that they are taking advantage of time off of work to get together & their employers give them a turkey, so they may as well use it-
I always thought it was a piss-poor excuse, and we were indeed celebrating thanksgiving regardless of how you tried to justify it otherwise-
I was NOT invited to the gathering last year, and I know I will not be invited this year-
I do miss the family gatherings sometimes, it was always fun to laugh together and play games & eat till you burst......I did go to a few family gatherings with Coffee Shop Guy but it is not quite the same
CSG & I have set many of our own traditions as a couple that have been very nice, he has been so sweet & acomodating
He says that he is ok if we don't do big Christmas celebrations- I am not ready for all that yet
baby steps